It’s no secret that I’m a cat lover. I’m an animal lover in general, but cats are my true loves. You may have seen the evidence in this post previously. I’m an out and proud, bone-fide, card carrying member of the Crazy Cat Lady Club. I’ve always loved cats, but it was this little addition to our family that pushed me over the edge into that crazy “I just want to talk about cats all day” mentality. She came into my life when I really needed to have someone to love and care for. As a completely deaf kitten, she needed an indoor home, time, patience and love to train her in alternative ways. We were the perfect fit for each other. We needed each other.
We’re the apple of each others eyes! Of course I love our other two cats too, but Pearl is constantly by my side (or on my lap!). She does’t even let my husband so much as stroke her. She’s my girl. I hate leaving her, and if I’m not at home, she sits on my side of the bed until I come back – pining for me while I’m gone!

When we had her, the rescue shelter had already named her Pearl and it suited her perfectly. But we soon began calling her Pearl Bowie, due to her multicoloured eyes. I often sing “She’s got David Bowie Eyes,” to her to the tune of that Kim Carnes Bettie Davis Eyes song (wouldn’t you just love to be a fly on the way in our bonkers house?!). Mr T says it’s just as well she can’t hear me!
So imagine my reaction when I saw my IG friend Sharon of Daisy Lions was creating a “Bowie Cat” character! A Ziggy Stardust-inspired little white cat! I just had to have him when he was finished! A Bowie Cat for my own Bowie-eyed cat!

Pearl gave it a good inspection on arrival and gave it a massive paws-up and a purr of approval!

We both love it very much!

Being the good egg that she is, Sharon suggested a craft swap – so I created a personalised peg doll in return for the cat.
Sharon is an animal lover too. Her dog Daisy inspired the name of her business, and she spends her days dreaming up all sorts of cute and crazy animal characters that she brings to life through textiles and watercolour. Sharon described the clothes she’d love to see on her doll. However, I couldn’t resist adding a cheeky little extra character based on her beautiful little crazy chicks!

Here she is all pyrographed and sanded before I set to colouring her:

I loved the bright colours Sharon requested! So lovely to work with and really eye catching on the finished peg doll.

Instagram can be such a wonderful community, and it was a pleasure to create a personalised peg doll for someone who has become such a supportive and lovely friend over the past few years through this particular form of social media.
You can see Sharon’s amazing creations and funky chicks, foxes, owls, bees and other colourful characters here in her beautiful Folksy Shop!
If you’re looking for a gift for an animal lover, Sharon and I would both love to help you out!

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