Meet the Peg Doll Maker Series – Part IV- My Helpers!

Welcome to Part Four of my Meet the Peg Doll Maker series, helping you to get to know us a little more. It’s based on the prompts provided by Joanne Hawker for the month long Instagram challenge designed to help small business owners and creatives to tell the story behind their brand.

The prompt for Day 19 of  #marchmeetthemaker was Helper…As you know an awful lot of work goes into every peg doll I make, therefore a lot goes on behind the scenes. As much as I try to do almost all of it on my own, some family members won’t take no for an answer when they offer assistance. Especially those  four-legged family members! So I think you’ll agree that this prompt deserves a post all of its own! You’ll have to scroll through all the pics to fully grasp the roles of everyone here at Pink Elephant Crafts.

Little Pearl holds several key positions in the company and to be honest pretty much runs the joint here. She is :

1. Official Guard of the Pencils. Don’t. Touch. The. Yellow. Pencils.

cute kitten with coloured pencils

2. Stock Controller. Who knew that cats had such great numerical abilities?

cute kitten with wooden peg dolls

3. Storage Manager . This role mainly involves sleeping in stacked up boxes and on important bits of paper.

cute kitten hiding in peg doll storage box

4.Photoshop supervisor. Did somebody say the “mouse” is moving?!

cute kitten helps edit pictures of peg dolls in photoshop

5. Paintbrush inspector.  A sniff and a little nibble usually weeds out any duff brushes.

cute white kitten inspects peg doll artists paintbrushes

6. Grabber of Things from the Printer. An essential role in every office.

cute white kitten helps with the office printer

She is often joined by Cookie (our third cat Dexter has chosen not to be involved in the family business) and together they prowl the studio windowsill to guard against threats of corporate espionage (mainly from next doors’ dog).

cute cats in peg doll artists studio

They also help with the cleaning by ensuring anything on my studio desk is knocked to its “rightful” place on the floor.

cute cats on peg doll artists desk

That’s the main important roles here covered really.

Oh! Occasionally I get a little bit of casual help from two family members. Once in a while, Mr T redesigns and makes sure that my website and spreadsheets are all working. I break them a lot. He might make a cuppa every now and then too. Sometimes his Dad will make me a jig and drill a load of dolls for me. However, I have been considering bringing the pair of slackers in for a disciplinary 😉

drilling and sanding in the pegdoll workshop

Hehehe! I’m lucky to have so much support  in making my personalised peg doll families at Pink Elephant Crafts!

Cwtch ♥ Mawr

peg doll family